I've never been beaten for telling people the gospel. I've never lived under a real threat of life or freedom for the sake of the cross. That may happen some day, but it hasn't happened yet.
But I wonder if I would be as bold as the disciples in Acts 5.
they were imprisoned and freed in the night by an angel. Then they were arrested again the next day, because they were out in public preaching. In front of the council they gave a presentation of the gospel, accusing the council of killing Jesus.
They were beaten and released.
Did they go into hiding? Did they develop a new strategy? An underground church?
No, they rejoiced that they suffered for the cause of Christ.
"And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus" (v 42).
When I'm barely bold enough to proclaim that message in the land of the free, how would I react under persecution?
God, grant me boldness today!
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