Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Consequences of Forgiven Sin

Satan often will twist Scripture to lure us into sin.

Like the forgiveness of sins. We know that God will forgive us. His Son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for all of our sins. He promises forgiveness if we confess our sins (1 John 1:9).

"So just go ahead and sin. You're covered." That's the lie that Satan would have us believe.

While it is true that our sins are forgiven through the blood of Jesus, to think that we can get off easily is foolishness.

Consider David. He thought that his adultery with Bathsheba and the following murder of her husband was a secret. Only a couple of people knew what had happened. I suppose David thought they were loyal enough that they wouldn't betray his secret (2 Samuel 11).

But God knew. And He wouldn't let his servant continue in his miserable state of unconfessed sin and an unrepentant heart (Ps 32).

God sent Nathan, who tactfully confronted David with his sin (2 Samuel 12).

David did the right thing in confessing and repenting. But that didn't make everything okay.

Nathan told David that disaster would come upon his house at the hand of his own family and that Bathsheba's son would die (v 11-14).

The son did die. Another son raped his half-sister with the help of a half-brother. Another son committed adultery with David's concubines on the roof of the palace.

It was not a happy family, just because David confessed and repented.

David's relationship with God was restored. He was called a man after God's heart, even after these events.

Yet the consequences remained.

The best solution is prevention. Consider what God has paid to cover your sins. Consider the consequences of your sinful choices. Flee the temptation.

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