Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's not about me

In Paul's reprimand of the Corinthian church for their abuse of spiritual gifts, we often overlook the theme of 1 Corinthians 14: It's not about the gifts, but about others.

It's not about what I can do in church, but what I can do to help others.

  • Prophecy was better than tongues, because prophecy led to edification and encouragement of others (v 1-5).
  • If tongues were exercised, an interpreter had to be present so that the church would be edified (v 5).
  • Strive to excel in building up the church, not in exercising spiritual gifts (v 12).
  • Interpretation of tongues was necessary so that others could agree and be edified (v 16-17).
  • It's better to speak five words intelligibly to instruct others than 10,000 unintelligible words that help no one (v 19).
  • Tongues were a sign for unbelievers, but they had to be interpreted. If they weren't understood by the hearers, they would think that the church is crazy (v 21-23).
  • Prophecy served to convict others and lead them to worship God (v 24-25).
  • Everything was to be done for edification (v 26).
  • Prophets were to take turns, not all at once, so that all may learn and be encouraged (v 29-31).
It's not about me or the abilities that God has given me.

The purpose of the gathered church is to learn, to encourage, to worship, to convict of sin and to edify. If what I am doing does not lead to the accomplishment of these goals, I should just sit down and shut up.

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