Friday, July 5, 2013

Pick Me! Pick Me!

"Let him who boast, boast in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 1:31).

Do you remember picking teams for a game of kickball? It seems like we played it a lot at recess and in P.E. in elementary school.

But maybe I just remember it because it was traumatic.

They probably don't allow this in schools any more because it's so against the self-esteem movement.

But you remember. Two of the coolest kids would be captains. Then they would take turns picking their team members.

The first ones to get picked kicked the ball further.

Then the fast runners.

The cool kids got picked pretty early.

If it were girls as captains, they'd pick their friends and the cute boys.

The clumsy, slow or uncool kid got picked last all the time.

He had no qualities that he could bring to the team.

He'd rather be anywhere else but playing kickball.

I speak from experience.

But Paul says here in 1 Corinthians 1 that God did just the opposite.

God didn't choose me because I could do something for the team.

He didn't choose me for any skills, or looks, or money, that I have.

He chose me because He wanted to.

He chose me because He loved me.

He chose me because He wanted to satisfy me in ways that no one and nothing else can.

He chose me because He wanted to declare His wisdom and His glory.

If there's anything to boast about, I will boast in the Lord. He has done everything for me.

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