Friday, July 12, 2013

Seven-Day Challenge

How many times a day do you eat?

How many times a day to you text?

How many times a day to you check your e-mail?

How many times a day to you praise God for His commandments?

"Seven times a day I praise You for Your righteous rules" (Psalm 119:164).

Wow! Seven times a day praising God for His commandments!

I don't think that the psalmist is giving a command that we have to praise God seven times a day.

Nor is he setting a specific number out. It's not that six is not quite good enough or that 8 is more spiritual and 700 times is super spiritual.

But I'm going to take it as a challenge.

For seven days I'm going to make a conscious effort to praise God for His Word seven times each day. Not make a list of seven things for which to praise God each day. But to consciously praise God at seven different times during the day, specifically for His Word.

In prayer. In conversation with others. In song.

Anyone want to join in the challenge?

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