God sent prophets, but Manasseh and the the people did not listen.
So God sent Assyrians. They still didn't listen.
The king was taken captive and led by hooks and chains to Babylon. BTW: "led by hooks" was not a pleasant experience. The Assyrians were known for their cruelty to their prisoners. One act of cruelty was putting a large hook into the flesh of a prisoner, like at the shoulder, and connecting it with a chain to a hook in another prisoner's shoulder. They would then be forced to march in a chain gang. If the guy in front of you stumbled, think of the pain in your shoulder!
"And when he was in distress, he entreated the favor of the LORD his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers" (2 Chronicles 33:12).
God heard his prayer of repentance and brought him back to Jerusalem.
The king fortified the city, restored the temple and destroyed the idols.
God had to bring the king of Judah to the depths of an Assyrian POW to get him where he needed to be.
Lessons to learn:
- Don't rebel against God. He's going to get His way eventually.
- When messengers warn about God's coming judgement, repent. Turn around while there's still time.
- Repentance is not just a prayer or statement. It's a change of action.Turning from idolatry to worship of God is visible.
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