The people of Judah had been taught the law and their history under the direction of King Jehoshaphat. He sent teachers throughout the land to make sure the people knew God and His standards.
So when the country was being invaded by the Moabites, Edomites and Meunites, they responded by gathering in Jerusalem to seek God's guidance. They remembered Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the temple (2 Chronicles 7:14).
The king led in a time of fasting and prayer. In his prayer, he recounted God's promises and the history of His people and called out for help.
The reply came through a prophet who told them not to fear. God was going to fight for them. He gave them the location of the enemy camp and told them to show up there the next morning to see God fight. They wouldn't have to fight.
Now think of a church business meeting. "But if we do that..." "How do we know that this prophet is telling us the truth?" "Go ahead, pastor, but I'm not following! It's all your fault if this goes wrong!"
That was not the response of these people who knew God and trusted His promises.
They fell on their faces to worship God. The musicians stood up to sing praises.
They chose to worship and obey.
The next morning they gathered for their journey. The king consulted with his advisers, encouraged the people.
Then he placed the choir in their robes in front of the army.
They weren't there as a sacrifice. "If we lose a few choir boys, no big deal. The tough guys will be right behind them."
They were at the front of the array as evidence of their trust in God. God said they would not have to fight, so they were going to sing praises instead.
As soon as the choir began to sing, God sent confusion in to the enemy camp. Before Judah arrived, the three nations had risen up against each other and killed each other. Not one soldier remained alive.
The men of Judah spent three days gathering the spoils. On the fourth day, they had a praise service in the valley and returned to Jerusalem singing.
Perhaps we don't see God working like that because we don't know the God of the Bible.
Sure, we know stories about God. But we don't really trust Him.
We want to act on our own and complain if things don't go the way we want.
Trust and obey - and worship.
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