Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Good Bitterness

After the Lord restored his health and added 15 years to his life, Hezekiah wrote a song of praise that's recorded in Isaiah 38.

The crux of the song is in verse 17:

"Behold, it was for my welfare that I had great bitterness; but in love You have delivered my life from the pit of destruction, for You have cast all my sins behind Your back."

When we are in the middle of "great bitterness," we don't usually think of the good that will come out of it.

Sure, we may try to encourage ourselves by saying, "God will work it out." But in reality, it's pretty hard to see that it's going to turn out good.

When the trial comes to an end, or at least when the dust starts to settle, we should be able to look back and see that it was for our benefit.

Hezekiah learned that lesson.

And so have I.

A few years ago, I was seeking opportunity to end my life. The guilt of my sin was a burden I no longer wanted to carry. My life didn't seem like it was going to change for the better. In fact, it seemed that every day was getting worse.

But God has delivered my soul.

He has taken me from the pit of destruction.

He has cast all my sins behind His back

He has chosen to forgive me because He loves me.

Does that mean that every day is rosy? No.

Does that mean that there are no longer temptations to overcome? No.

Does that mean that there will be no new periods of great bitterness? No.

But it does mean that God has worked through this trial to teach me of His love for me.

I can say with Hezekiah, "Behold, it was for my welfare, that I had great bitterness."

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