Monday, September 16, 2013

Is God anti-gay?

I don't usually do book reviews here, but I just read this little book and thought it worth sharing.

The title, "Is God anti-gay? And other questions about homosexuality, the Bible and same-sex attraction," is as straightforward as the book. It's only 83 pages and small, so the author, Sam Allberry, doesn't waste any time.

As a Christian struggling with same-sex attraction, the author points the reader to the grace of God. He doesn't waste time with stories or drama. "This is what the Bible says; read it for yourself" is the tone of the book.

He explains clearly the few references in the Bible to homosexuality as well as God's purposes for marriage and sex. Unashamedly, he concludes that homosexuality is not part of God's plan. It is a sin for which there is grace, love and forgiveness - just like for every sin. Repentance and faith are needed for those struggling with same-sex attraction, just like for those struggling with adultery, greed and gluttony.

The author also provides practical help for dealing with those who admit to their homosexual behavior:

What do you do if a co-worker confides in you that he is gay?

How should you react if a gay couple showed up for church on Sunday?

What if someone in your Sunday School class told you that he's more attracted to men than to women?

The author's answer is the same as the Bible's answer: point them to the cross.

Show them that their identity is not in their sexuality, but in Christ.

Love them more than their homosexual friends love them.

Love them more than they love their homosexuality.

This is a book that every pastor should read. It's a book that he should be bold enough to read with his deacons. Youth workers should read this. Parents should read this. Teens should read this.

It's only 83 pages long.

But it might help you to point someone to the cross.

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