Maybe you remember this from this old movie:
While Indiana Jones is in India searching for some great treasure, he arrives in a deep, dark mine. The mine is being worked by children, who are looking for jewels.
The children are slaves. Horrible living conditions. Hard work. No sunlight.
Of course, Indy can't just get the treasure, he has to let the children free.
They come racing out of the mine. Into the sunlight. Back to their families.
It's a complete opposite to what they had experienced in their lives.
Although that deliverance is heart-warming, it's nothing like our deliverance from the domain of darkness.
"He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins" (Colossians 1:13-14).
Before Jesus set us free, we were slaves.
Maybe we didn't think we were slaves, because everyone around us was just the same.
We thought we were free, because we didn't know anything different.
But when Jesus came and set us free, He transferred us to His kingdom.
He pulled us out of the darkness of Satan's kingdom and placed us in the glory of His kingdom.
We've been redeemed. He paid the full price. He did all the work. There's nothing that we have done.
We have forgiveness of sins. All of them. Each of them. Paid for completely.
Not because of what we could have done. We were slaves in the deep, dark mines. Jesus came and set us free!
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