Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You Get What You Want

Often we try to blame our sinful actions on our environment.

My dad was a hot-head, so I lose my temper.

Everyone else is watching this program, so I will, too.

My parents beat me, so that's how I handle stress.

All the girls in school where these, mom!

While our surroundings are not totally to blame, they do have an influence.

"Whoever diligently seeks good seeks favor, but evil comes to him who searches for it" (Prov 11:27).

This verse teaches that sin does not develop in our lives passively. Lying, cheating, adultery or robbery won't simply show up one day.

"Evil comes to him who searches for it."

We want to fit in, so we search for what others are doing, how they talk, and how they dress.

We want to satisfy our lusts, so we search out immorality.

We want more money, so we cheat on our taxes or our time card.

If we want something, all we have to do is look for it and it will come to us.

The same is true about good things.

If we want to live a holy life, we will seek it and find it.

We'll study God's Word to know God's definition of holiness.

We'll surround ourselves with godly examples who will show us how to live a holy life.

If we want to please God, we will concentrate our time and energy into that goal and achieve it.

Our environment can't be blamed, because we choose our environments. The problem is our hearts. We choose our environments because of the condition of our hearts. Our environment is a reflection of our heart's desire.

Good or evil, the choice is ours.

Seek good or seek evil. You'll find either one.

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