Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hand-made Creations

In Isaiah 44-9-20, the prophet points out the foolishness of idolatry by painting a vivid picture.

A man plants a tree and waters it. When the tree is big, another man takes his tools to cut it down.

Half of the tree gets used for fuel to heat his home and to cook his food.

The other half is taken to a wood carver.

The carver gives it a fine shape, maybe a person, or an animal. Many hours with metal tools and skilled hands produce a fine piece of craftsmanship.

Then the piece is taken to the goldsmith, who overlays the wood with a layer of gold. How it glistens in the sun!

The man struggles to get it back to his home, but places this treasure in a prominent location and declares, "This is my god!"

He bows down to worship it.

What a fool to choose wood over the living God!

What a fool to choose something that he created over the One Who created him!

What a fool to choose something that he dresses up over the magnificent, glorious God of heaven!

What a fool to choose an object which has no sensory perception over a God who sees everything, speaks through His Word and hears prayers!

What a fool!

What a fool we are when we choose to put anything in the place of God.

Maybe not a bedazzled piece of wood.

But maybe our family. Our time. Our money. Our resources. Our sins.

What a fool!

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