A verse that I remember memorizing as a child:
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46;1)
We learned that as children. Maybe to remind us that God would protect us from the bullies on the playground. Or that we didn't have to be afraid of the thunder.
It's a great truth and leads to the following:
"Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
Though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
Though its waters roar and foam,
Though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah (vs 2-3).
Because God is our refuge and strength, I don't need to be afraid - even if the mountains are collapsing and the tsunami is battering the shores.
Unfortunately, I've forgotten that too many times.
Fear has kept me from doing some things like skydiving and deep-sea diving. I can stand before God with a clear conscience without doing those things.
But it has also kept me from doing some things that I should have done.
I have been afraid of losing friends, so I've not opened my mouth to tell them that Jesus died for their sins and that they can have the free gift of salvation by simply believing.
I have been afraid of losing friends, so I've made some sinful choices to keep them. Those friends weren't friends and they're long gone.
I have been afraid of losing my family, so I cowered in fear rather than leading and loving them. Now I'm alone.
I had learned that verse as a child. I'm pretty sure that I helped our kids learn it, too. I had heard it preached over and over. I had even preached it and used it in counseling others.
But when I needed to remember it, I forgot.
I forgot that I could turn to God, a present help in the time of trouble. He's right there all the time.
I forgot that I could depend on God who would provide my needs.
I forgot that I could depend on God who would protect me from the consequences of obedience.
When I forget God, I fear. When I fear, I have forgotten God.
Lord, help me to not be forgetful.
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