You can tell a lot about a person by what they talk about.
Kids, spouse, work, school, career, hobbies, cars, homes, money. All those are great topics of conversation and are things that we should be talking about.
But as you listen to others and to yourself, what topics keep popping up?
Even if it's not in a false bragging way, just talking about something a lot reveals what is important to that person.
Those things that we treasure, we talk about. We want everyone to know about our new car. We let others know how great our kids are in school and sports. We rave about last night's dinner creation. We show off our new home.
Jesus said, "For where your treasure is there will your heart be also" (Luke 12:34).
So every time you talk about your treasures, you are revealing your heart.
Think about what you talked about yesterday. What was the topic of conversation over the weekend?
What are your treasures?
What does that reveal about your heart?
Don't you find yourself in some conversations just itching to say something about yourself? Relay a story to top the last story. Talk about something that you know that no one else knows about. Let people know the people you know and the places you've been.
All too often our greatest treasure is our self. Numero uno.
Now think about the things that you didn't talk about yesterday. What things do you say are important, yet you haven't said anything about them for a week?
Have you told anyone that Jesus died for their sins in the last week?
Have you let anyone know how they can get to heaven?
Have you told anyone what God has been teaching you?
What you talk about reveals your treasures, which reveals your heart.
What does your heart look like?
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