Thursday, March 28, 2013


Most of us have never been in a situation where we are truly dying of thirst. Craving an ice-cold Pepsi maybe, but not likely to the point of dying of thirst.

So just imagine.

Lips parched. Skin is dry. Dust in the air. Sun beating down. Clothes are ripped. Dragging yourself across the desert floor. Throw in a rattlesnake and a few scorpions.

Nothing else occupies your mind but water. You look at plants, wondering if they have stored up liquid that you could drink without poisoning yourself. You see animals, wondering where they had their last drink. You look on the horizon calculating how far it is to the water. You listen for a chopper, hoping they're bring you water.

Got the picture?

That's what David is describing in Psalm 63.

"O God, You are my God; earnestly I seek You; my soul thirst for You; my flesh faints for You, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water" (v 1).

When you're looking for water in the desert, nothing else occupies your mind. Every thought. Every conversation. Every plan. Every desire. Every second. It's all filled with finding water.

Is that how I seek God?

Not just at church. Not just in my Bible reading. Not just in prayer. Not just in a crisis. Not just in the cute saying on Facebook.

Every thought.

Every conversation.

Every plan.

Every desire.

Every second.

Every day.

Is seeking for God an all-consuming activity?

Not looking for diversions or pleasures anywhere else. Not keeping God in a little box of time.

But looking for God as the driving force for the day. Survival depends on finding God.

I've got a ways to go.

How about you?

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