Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jesus Marveled

Little kids with bubbles.

A dad holding his child just minutes after birth.

Hearing about the immensity of the universe.

Those are things that we would say cause us to marvel.

Things that are bigger than we are. Things that we just can't quite comprehend. Things that make us just gaze and say, "Wow!"

So what makes Jesus marvel?

After all, He is the creator of the universe. Is He really impressed with the number of stars in our galaxy? Or the view of microbial life through a telescope?

There are two instances in the Gospels where it is recorded that Jesus marveled.

"When Jesus heard this, He marveled..." (Matthew 8:10).

Today's sermon at Highland Park Church in Columbus, NE was from this text, so this is from Pastor Justin Erickson, not from me.

Jesus marveled at the faith of the centurion, who asked for his servant to be healed.

Here are four characteristics of that faith:

1. Desperate for the grace of Christ. The centurion appealed to Jesus (v 5).

2. Unworthy in the presence of Christ. The centurion realized that he was not worthy to have the Creator enter his home (v 8).

3. Confident in the power of Christ. The centurion knew that Jesus could speak and heal his servant (v 8).

4. Yielded to the authority of Christ. The centurion knew that Christ could heal his servant and is willing to submit to Christ's word (v 8-9).

Jesus used this man's faith as an illustration and warning to the Jews who thought that they had faith.

I wonder how my faith measures up to the centurion.

Usually I have faith when I've reached the end of my rope, but it's usually a faith of resignation. I don't know what else to do, so I guess I'll have to trust God.

Resignation isn't really the same as yielding, is it?

Often this leads to a lack of confidence in the power of Christ. Sure, He can do anything, but I don't think He will.

Lord, give me the faith of the centurion!

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