Moses' sermon continues and he reminds the children of Israel that it's not because of anything that they have done.
They rebelled. They tested God. They challenged their leadership. They complained.
Moses recounted several events that occurred during the 40 years in the wilderness where the people rebelled against God and he stepped in to intercede for them (Deuteronomy 9).
Now they were ready to enter the Promised Land. Not only had this generation been waiting 40 years for this event, the people of Israel had been waiting for centuries for God's promise to be fulfilled.
Abraham had received the promise in Genesis 12: God would make him a great nation and bring them into a bountiful land. Abraham wandered through this land. His son, Isaac, wandered through this land. His grandsons, Jacob and Esau, wandered through the land. His great-grandsons, Joseph and his brothers, wandered through this land.
Then they spent 430 years in captivity in Egypt, hearing about this land. Generation after generation they told their children of this land. And now it was about to happen.
But Moses reminds them, "It's not because of you. You have done nothing to deserve this. In fact, you have done more to lose the inheritance than to deserve it. It's all because of God's grace. He made a promise and He keeps His word."
Isn't that the same with us?
We have done nothing to deserve God's love, Christ's righteousness, the indwelling of the Spirit, eternity in heaven - or any number of the blessings that God has showered upon us.
In fact, we have done more to lose these blessings than to deserve it.
Our sinful rebellious attitudes and actions. Our refusal to submit to the authority of God's Word. Our desire to see ourselves glorified and not God.
Need I continue?
It's all because of God's grace. He made a promise and He keeps His word.
You have done nothing and can do nothing to earn His favor.
"Jesus paid it all!
All to Him I owe!
Sin had left a crimson stain.
He washed it white as snow."
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