All too often we think incorrectly about obedience to God.
We grumble and complain about how hard it is.
We pick and choose which commands we will obey.
We think that our obedience should earn brownie points before God or men.
We draw attention to ourselves for our good deeds.
We've got it all upside down.
And it leads to disappointment when God and others don't notice. Or when things don't turn out the way we wanted. Or we just get downright tired of obedience.
Rather than being selfish, we are to be unworthy servants.
Jesus used a parable to explain this to His disciples. A servant comes in from a hard day of work in the fields. So what would expect? Does the master say, "Here, take a break. I'll fix supper for you. Kick back in the La-Z-Boy and relax."
No, the master expects the servant to get himself cleaned up then to fix supper for the master. When he has completed his work, then the servant may care for his needs.
"So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty'" (Luke 17:10).
We should respond the same way in our obedience. A humble, unworthy servant delights in obedience.
We are unworthy to receive the blessings of God.
We are unworthy to be able to serve Him.
We are unworthy to be His servant.
Obedience in response to the outpouring of our Master's love and mercy is our duty.
We deserve nothing from His hand.
"We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty."
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