Thursday, August 13, 2015

Dust bunnies or Superman?

"As a father shows compassion on his children,
So the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him.
For He knows our frame,
He remembers that we are dust"

(Psalm 103:13-14)

God knows that we are made of dust.

Dust does not come up in my thoughts when I think of something strong or sturdy.

It's blowing around in the air. It settles on the dashboard. It clings to your shoes.

A damp rag. A garden hose. A vacuum cleaner.

That's all it takes to get rid of dust.

We usually think we're stronger. Like Superman. We can handle a lot. We can deal with our problems. We can tackle that job.

We can fight that temptation. We can stand up for what is right. We can tell the truth.

In reality, we are dust bunnies. We can do nothing on our own. We get blown around until we settle under the bed, hidden and useless.

But God shows compassion on us.

He knows our limits. He is not going to test us beyond our limits (1 Corinthians 10:13).

He knows His strength. He promises us wisdom if we ask (James 1:5) and strength (Philippian 4:13).

We don't have to fight temptation alone. We don't have to stand up for right by ourselves.

Dust bunnies aren't very effective.

But the creator of the universe is ready and able to unleash His power to those who ask.

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