Monday, August 17, 2015

Our God Reigns

"The Lord has established His throne in the heavens,
And His kingdom rules over all."

(Psalm 103:19)

This is a verse we need to review before listening to the news. It's so easy to be distracted by the gloom and doom of the nightly news.

Wars around the world. Riots in our own country. Supreme Court decisions. Child abuse cases. Presidential elections. Business scams.

We can easily get discouraged about the mess that this world is in.

And we can become guilty of wishing for the past, "If we'd only get back to our Christian roots..." "If parents would raise their kids like I was raised..." "If we had a president like..."

Essentially, we think that if we were in control, life would be smoother.

Really? Look at the mess that your life is! You really think that you could do any better?

Rather than thinking and acting on those idolatrous thoughts, we need to remember that God is in control. He is ruling over all. All the politicians. All the lawyers. All the criminals. All the natural disasters. All the broken families. All the businessmen. All the diseases.

If God is in charge, then why doesn't He fix things? i.e. Why doesn't He do what I want Him to do?

Well, isn't that a selfish, comical response? If I could tell God what to do, then He wouldn't be in charge, would He?

But we can take confidence in knowing that God is in control, all the time over everything.

He is working all of history and nature toward the grand revelation of Himself. His glory will be revealed. His power and majesty will be clear.

We don't have to understand the details, but grasping the big picture will help us get through the details.

God has established His throne in the heavens, and His kingdom rules over all.

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