Saturday, August 8, 2015

God Makes Himself Known

"He made known His ways to Moses,
His acts to the children of Israel" (Psalm 103:7)

God reveals His plans and His works.

That seems pretty obvious to those who have been reading the Bible for a long time. We know the stories of the Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We know about baby Moses in the bulrushes. We've read about the slavery in Egypt and the exodus through the Red Sea.

And it is pretty amazing when we stop to think about it. The creator of the universe is sovereign over all the events of history. He is unique and separate from His creation. He is not dependent on anything or anyone.

Yet He chose to reveal His plans to Moses and the children of Israel. He revealed the history of creation and the history of the nation of Israel. He revealed His righteous requirements through the giving of the law. He revealed His character through His interactions with the children of Israel.

God didn't have to do that. He could have continued to be sovereignly ruling over the universe without ever telling us a single thing. He would have been completely justified and totally satisfied.

But He chose to make Himself know to Israel, to you and to me.

Because He wanted to.

He wanted to tell us about Himself and His plans, because He wants us to know Him.

And that is the kind of God that we need.

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