Saturday, August 22, 2015

One Week Challenge

"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves" (Philippians 2:3)


That's a pretty strong word. Pretty exclusive. Pretty restrictive.

Do nothing from selfish ambition.

Not out to seek your own goals. Not trying to make yourself look better. Not trying to climb the ladder.

Do nothing from conceit.

Not because you want to be as important as someone else. Not because you want to have a position that everyone will see.

So how has your week been?

How much time have you spent in selfish ambition? How much of your motivation has been conceited?

Too much.

Now look after the conjunction. "...but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."

Rather than looking out for yourself, look out for others.

Rather than setting goals to make yourself look good, set goals for helping others.

How would that change your actions for this coming week?

You might stop to help someone with a menial task. Maybe you would change your plans to visit a sick friend. Maybe you would re-think your career plans.

How would it change your conversations?

Instead of putting others down to make yourself look better, you'll encourage others. Instead of gossiping and backbiting, you'll hold your tongue.

So try it for a week.

Do nothing from selfish ambition. Do everything in humility.

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