"As for man, his days are like grass;
He flourishes like a flower of the field;
For the wind passes over it,
And it is gone,
And its place knows it no more"
(Psalm 103:15-16)
Ancestry.com is making money helping us to find out about our family's history. Access to census and immigration records and ships' manifests can help you find out who your great-great-great grandfather was.
And he may have been a very important person. A star athlete. A military officer. A prominent person in the community. A wealthy businessman.
But those details have most likely been forgotten. Only a few people get their names in the paper. Even fewer people will have their names in a local history book. And even fewer than that are studied in history class.
Like the lilies that are blooming right now in the ditches, in a short while, we won't remember that they were even there. Our lives, even if they are good and productive, leaving a positive impact, are short and soon forgotten.
The Bible teaches that we will live into eternity. Our time on earth is short, but eternity is a very, very long time.
With that contrast between the brevity of life and the extent of eternity, we really need to expend our energy in this life into preparing for the next life.
The Bible gives two eternal destinies. Heaven or hell. In the presence of God or separated from Him. Joy or sorrow. Healing or pain.
And the choice is ours to make during this short time on earth.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father except by me" (John 14:6).
The only way to eternal joy in the presence of God is by believing on the completed work of Christ to pay for your sins.
Your life is short. You've got to decide soon.
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