"The LORD is merciful and gracious,
slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.
He will not always chide,
neither will He keep His anger forever"
Psalm 103:8-9
What more needs to be said about these verses?
Add to all these descriptive words the holiness of God. All of these characteristics become intensified with "holiness." God is perfect in His mercy, grace, and longsuffering.
God never changes. So He is not merciful one day and then plotting revenge the next.
God is omniscient. He knows everything about you and me, yet He is still merciful, gracious and longsuffering toward us. We don't have to try to hide anything from Him so that He will still love us. He already knows and He still loves.
"He will not always chide." Chiding is like nagging. God does not keep a list of our sins to bring them up to us over and over again. Our sins are forgiven and God chooses not to bring them up.
It is relieving to have a God like this who is our God.
But it is also challenging to remember that we are to become like God.
Slow to anger.
Plenteous in mercy.
Not nagging.
Not holding on to our anger.
I've got some things to work on. How about you?
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